Milkwood Manor, Plettenberg Bay
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10 08, 2016

Flamingos in Plettenberg Bay

By |2016-08-10T17:41:00+02:00August 10th, 2016|Milkwood Manor on Sea|

Pink Flamingos for Milkwood Manor Guests! A small flock of Greater Flamingos calls Plettenberg Bay a holiday home most parts of the year, and can be seen in the Keurbooms lagoon adjacent to Milkwood Manor on Sea Guesthouse. Here is [...]

15 04, 2015

Fynbos of the Western Cape

By |2015-04-15T16:52:57+02:00April 15th, 2015|Milkwood Manor on Sea, Natural World|

Fynbos (/ˈfeɪnbɒs/; Dutch pronunciation: [ˈfɛi̯nbos]) is the natural shrubland or heathland vegetation occurring in a small belt of the Western Cape of South Africa, mainly in winter rainfall coastal and mountainous areas with a Mediterranean climate. The Fynbos ecoregion is [...]

12 05, 2013

Life is a Beach…

By |2013-05-12T11:05:57+02:00May 12th, 2013|Milkwood Manor on Sea|

SANDY SHORES The sandy shore is not a hospitable place: nothing is stable and nothing grows there. All food on the sandy shore has to be imported, and is either washed in by the waves or blown in by the [...]

2 03, 2013

Paddling the Keurbooms River

By |2013-03-02T11:02:30+02:00March 2nd, 2013|Milkwood Manor on Sea|

The Keurbooms River has meandered through Plettenberg Bay for many centuries, carving a watery pathway through the Wittedrift Valley to the sea. Occasionally, as on this notable night in 2007, the river rages and overflows, but mostly the Keurbooms is [...]

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