Milkwood Manor, Plettenberg Bay
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10 11, 2015

The Ocean’s Tides Explained

By |2015-11-10T11:41:23+02:00November 10th, 2015|Natural World|

It is always great to be reminded of the awesome power of nature, a power that cannot be altered or affected by man, and what better power than the one we observe daily in our beautiful coastal town of Plettenberg [...]

12 05, 2013

Life is a Beach…

By |2013-05-12T11:05:57+02:00May 12th, 2013|Milkwood Manor on Sea|

SANDY SHORES The sandy shore is not a hospitable place: nothing is stable and nothing grows there. All food on the sandy shore has to be imported, and is either washed in by the waves or blown in by the [...]

28 02, 2013

Ocean Views – Overnight!

By |2013-02-28T17:51:15+02:00February 28th, 2013|Milkwood Manor on Sea|

Welcome to the blog of Milkwood Manor and Lemongrass restaurant in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa. We have been operating a guesthouse on this spot for 15 years now, but 4 years ago our landlocked establishment changed into prime oceanfront property [...]

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